Zzzz ... Zzzz ...
Siren Enaya sleeping peacefully, before a busy day of interacting and visiting with curious humans.
Mer-Mischief at Richardson Heights Aquatic Center
Two mermaids are always better than one! And in this case, Siren Enaya and Mermaid Athena made sure infuse some mer-magic at a local community center.
Mermaid Transportation Unit
AKA - Two willing and able lifeguards - or any fine humans who wish to haul heavy, slippery, floppy mermaid fins.
Smile for the camera!
Siren Enaya entertains a young fan at a local country club event.
Life is the bubbles!
Siren Enaya entertains guests at a shellebration by blowing underwater bubble rings.
Music and Mermaids Go Fin in Fin
Enaya serenades her merlings while they explore the seashell treasures from her grotto.
Mermaids love taking pictures! Enaya strikes a pose before a backyard pool party.